
impala animal


Animal Facts

Hi all hope you enjoy some splendid facts about the Impala Animal

Subfamily: Aepycerotinae, Tribe Aepycerotini

  • Height: 90 cm
  • Total Length: 1.6 to 1.7 meters
  • Tail Length: 28 cm
  • Weight: (male) 50 kg (female) 40 kg
  • Horn: (male only) average 49 cm
  • Group of Impala is called a Herd

Type:                      Mammal

Diet:                        Herbivores

Population Trend:   Stable

Male Impala:           Ram (have horns)

impala facts

Medium sized    Antelope

Members of the Bovidae Family

All Impala's are  Diurnal (active early morning and sunset)

Female Impala:  Ewes (no horns)

impala animal facts ewe


Quick Facts

Impala have a wide distribution mostly in the Northwest East of Southern Africa. 

Status of the Impala

The Impala are fortunate in being abundant, approximately 45000 occur in East Africa.


 Light Savanna woodlands in Eastern and Southern Africa,  they try to avoid open grasslands


Impala try to stay as close to water resources as possible as they have to drink everyday


A single lamb is born at the beginning of the rainy season (weight 5 kg), gestation period is 196 days

impala animal distribution map in africa

This magnificent animal has the ability of reaching speeds of 60 km/h, jump 3 meters high and leap as far as 10 meters.

A group of young Impalas is called a creche. Being Herbivores their diet consists of Leaves, Bark and Stems.

The rainy season is an absolute delight when hundreds of Impala congregate while food is in abundance. Remaining in numbers attracts predators mostly Lions,  remarkably Impala's alert each other by a Bark like sound, alerting the entire group.

The male Impala has Lyre shaped, ringed horns. These take numerous years to grow to their full length. This contributes to the fact that younger Impala males are unable to establish dominant positions.

Male Impala's produce a scent from their foreheads to advertise their status and dominance in the herd. As the dominant male Impala looses rank within the herd he will produce less and less of this scent thus having less dominance within the herd. Males will fight for status and dominance predominantly during the mating season, the Impala's Antlers are used mostly during these bouts.

impala with oxpecker

  • Incredibly most Impala's are born during the hottest time of the day as this is when predators are resting.
  • Within the first few weeks almost half of the new borns will be killed by predators.
  • Ewes (Female Impala) can delay giving birth to their young for upto a month should the weather conditions not be right.
  • Double Female births occur each year.
  • Having to drink water each day Impalas will mostly drink during the hottest time of the day to eliminate the chance of being attacked by predators.
  • They have acute sense of smell, sight and hearing.
  • Releasing a scent from a gland on their heels they are able to stay together while being chased.
  • Males live in groups of Bachelors

Impala Rutting Season

impala rutting

Impala Rutting

First of all, what is Rutting (definition), the Rut comes from Latin "rugire" meaning to "Roar". This is primarily the mating season for Mammals.

As winter approaches Male Impala to enter into what is referred to as the Rut. Testosterone levels increase dramatically in the Rams (male) this is when the battle for territory and dominance for the herd occurs. The dominant male or males will force the unsuccessful competitors out of the herd into Bachelor herds.

Being victorious the dominant male will grunt, snort and growl so to say giving evidence of his acclamation over the herd. It is then that the male will try to mate with as many females as possible, never mating with the same female again.

During this period of time the dominant male has to continually ward off other bachelors, mate continuously and the result is that the male quickly weakens. He eats less and also has less time in grooming himself. Which might sound quite silly however ticks may double in a short time contributing to the overall condition of the male. It is at this time that other stronger males will contest the dominant male once again, ensuring that only the strongest genetics are added to the herd.

Incredibly sometimes the dominant male will only be able to hold onto his position for as little as 7 to 8 days before being pushed out by a stronger contender.

Impala in the Wild

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