What to WEAR on Safari in South Africa
What to WEAR on Safari in South Africa
Without a doubt should you be traveling to South Africa one just has to join in on a Safari. With numerous parks and reserves to venture into one is assured of some incredible memories.
After years of offering Safaris in South Africa, we have often been asked What to Wear on Safari in South Africa.
This is not a cut and dry answer, this may depend on where it is that you are going on safari too, what season and what type of safari will you be joining.
Clothing Colors are predominantly what one should take into consideration when wanting to know what to wear when out on Safari. One wants to wear neutral colors. Why ? Bright colors can cause some unneeded attention by certain wildlife. Not only is one trying to leave as small a foot print while out in the wild but also not to interfere in way what so ever.
What to WEAR on Safari in South Africa
Try as much as possible to remain neutral. Fabric plays no role what so ever when considering what to wear while out on Safari. The above colors indicate that are bright and really not suitable for safari wear except for the charcoal based colors. Whereas the bottom colors indicate a softer more neutral base and are more suited as what to wear while out on Safari.
Please note that by no means what so ever are we saying that You have to have a New Wardrobe. This truly is not the case.
If you are not comfortable, well then whats the point. Comfort is key, don't buy something that you have never worn before. Wear it in prior to your Safari. This applies more so to hiking shoes, they will be uncomfortable and hurt you if you do not walk them in. Always remember that the South African weather is unpredictable. It can change within an instant, preparation is key from hot humid conditions to rain all within the same day.
Always take a jacket along immaterial of what the weather looks like. A hat is truly your best friend especially a wide rimmed one.
Depending on the type of Safari, one has to take into consideration what type of shoes will be needed and best suited. Normal closed shoes (sneakers) are perfect this is due to the fact that you may just have a pair lying in the wardrobe. Better yet you have worn them in.
Hiking trails, one may want something with more support and a higher ankle support. Not to mention ticks.
No safari is complete without you being able to record it. Memories last a life time. Make sure you have a camera, this has to be the most important essential of any safari.
Hat, as discussed earlier make sure you have one a wide rimmed one if possible. Sunblock and lots of it. Water proof back pack for all of those goodies. Zip Lock bags they are incredible, roll up and take virtually no space but can keep lenses, batteries, keys and so much more safe and dust free.