Big 4 & Cheetah while on Safari
Big 4 & Cheetah while on Safari
For the last three days once again its been the Big 4 and Cheetahs every day while out on safari, unfortunately no Leopards though but the Cheetah’s have definitely made up for that. With controlled fires at present its been a bit more difficult to find the wildlife but it seems no problem for some of the great rangers at Heritage Tours & Safaris.
Lions have been seen close to No. 17, Rhino on the road to Sonthuli, Elephants close to Mphafa hide and buffalo herds may be witnessed close to No21. During the dry season Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife will burn certain sections of the Umfolozi and Hluhlluwe park this is done and managed according to over growth and alien and invasive plants that may occur within the reserve. This is done each year and during this period one needs to take some precautionary measures to ensure that you do not end in the wrong areas. Please make sure that you enquire at the front desk or any NCS vehicles with in the park they will quickly let you know where it is that they are burning. Always make sure that you have a map on hand as the park is large in size and with numerous off road access roads one may quickly become confused and lost. Please do not ever leave ones vehicle as this is a wild life park with the Big 5 within it.
One has access to numerous picnic areas where one may climb out of ones car however once again caution is needed to ensure ones safety.
The southern section ( Umfolozi ) is at present full of potholes and one needs to drive carefully this section of the park is larger than the Hluhluwe side and most definitely offers one more sightings of game while in the reserve.
Until our next update keep tracking and enjoy the Hluhluwe Umfolozi Park